Permanent Lifting Magnet

Rectangular Magnets

Rectangular Magnets are engineered to handle sheet, plate, and block materials efficiently in industrial environments, featuring an electrical control system that ensures the safe lifting of standard structural materials. These magnets are available in several models, including TP-600 to TP-4000, each characterized by a specific Safe Working Load (SWL) that indicates the magnet's maximum lifting capacity.

The dimensions and weight of each magnet are carefully designed to suit various lifting requirements, with a consistent requirement for magnet headroom of 14 or 15 inches, depending on the model. These magnets can lift materials with a minimum thickness of 3/16 inches and manage rounds with a maximum outer diameter of 3/4 inches, and they offer versatility in their applications. Additionally, the adaptability of these magnets is enhanced through the use of flat pole shoes, which allows them to handle angle and flat materials efficiently. This feature underlines the flexibility and utility of Rectangular Magnets in diverse lifting operations.

Common Applications:

  • Lifting and moving sheet metal in fabrication shops.
  • Handling plates in shipbuilding and construction projects.
  • Transporting block materials in warehouses and manufacturing facilities.
  • Assisting in the assembly lines of automotive and aerospace industries.

Bipolar Magnets

Bipolar Magnets present a unique lifting solution tailored for rounds, angles, structural, and plate materials, leveraging an electrical control system paired with the option to add customized pole shoes for enhanced material handling capabilities. Available in models such as BP-250, BP-400, BP-500, and BP-800, these magnets offer a range of SWL ratings to accommodate different round and flat materials, ensuring wide applicability in various industrial tasks.

Each model's physical dimensions and weight are optimized for its specific lifting capacity, with a uniform magnet headroom of 14 inches across all models. These magnets can handle round materials with outer diameters ranging from 3 to 12 inches, showcasing their ability to adapt to different material sizes. Including flat pole shoes also allows Bipolar Magnets to efficiently lift angle and flat materials, highlighting their versatility. With a 2 to 1 safety factor on hot rolled steel, Bipolar Magnets are designed to provide reliable and safe lifting solutions in many material handling scenarios.

Common Applications:

  • Handling rounds and cylindrical objects in metalworking and machinery manufacturing.
  • Moving angles and structural materials in construction and bridge building.
  • Lifting plates for assembly in heavy machinery and industrial equipment manufacturing.
  • Assisting in the handling of various materials in recycling centers and steel mills.

Tips for Choosing the Right Permanent Lifting Magnet: Rectangular vs. Bipolar Magnets

When selecting the ideal permanent lifting magnet for your needs, understanding the key differences between Rectangular and Bipolar Magnets is crucial. Here are some tips that compare these two types to help you make an informed decision.

  • Material Compatibility:
    • Rectangular Magnets are tailored explicitly for efficiently handling sheet, plate, and block materials. They excel in environments where these materials are predominant.
    • Bipolar Magnets, on the other hand, offer a broader range of material handling capabilities, including rounds, angles, structural, and plate materials, thanks to their customizable pole shoes.
  • Lifting Capacity:
    • Assess the maximum weight of materials you plan to lift. Rectangular Magnets have varied SWL ratings suitable for different weights, making them ideal for heavy-duty lifting tasks.
    • Bipolar Magnets also provide diverse SWL options but are especially valuable when lifting round and flat materials with a single magnet, offering versatility in weight handling.
  • Operational Environment:
    • Consider where the magnet will be used. Rectangular Magnets might suffice if your operations are mostly indoors with standard materials.
    • For more varied environments or when handling different material shapes, Bipolar Magnets could offer the flexibility needed due to their adaptability to different material types.
  • Material Thickness and Size:
    • Rectangular Magnets are suited for materials with a minimum thickness and a specific maximum outer diameter, making them reliable for consistent material types.
    • Bipolar Magnets allow for a broader range of material sizes, which is especially beneficial if you regularly work with materials of varying thicknesses and diameters.
  • Flexibility and Future Needs:
    • If your material handling needs are consistent and unlikely to change significantly, the Rectangular Magnet might offer a more straightforward, robust solution.
    • For operations that might see varied material types in the future, the adaptability of Bipolar Magnets—with their customizable pole shoes—makes them a more flexible choice.
  • Control and Safety Features:
    • Both magnet types can have various control options to match operational needs. However, prioritize the selection based on the specific safety features and control mechanisms that best fit your workflow.
  • Consultation for Customized Solutions:
    • Regardless of your initial preference, consulting with a specialist can provide clarity. Specialists can offer insights into which magnet type—Rectangular or Bipolar—best aligns with your operational requirements, considering current and future material handling needs.

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